Native American Liaison
Office of External Affairs

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Conserving this Nation’s fish and other aquatic resources cannot be successful without the partnership of Tribes; they manage or influence some of the most important aquatic habitats both on and off reservations. In addition, the Federal government and the Service have distinct and unique obligations toward Tribes based on trust responsibility, treaty provisions, and statutory mandates.

Traditional Knowledge & Science Conserving Murray Freshwater Turtles

Murray Freshwater TurtlesScience and traditional knowledge are coming together in the efforts by the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and the Yorta Yorta people to conserve the freshwater turtle species of the mid-Murray River region.

Researchers from DSE's Arthur Rylah Institute are helping the Yorta Yorta people to manage the health of local turtle populations including their totem Bayadherra, the Broad-shelled Turtle (Chelodina expansa), in the Barmah-Millewa National Park.

The project has a holistic approach, focusing not only on how science can generate a greater understanding of how turtle populations respond to drought, but also on how traditional knowledge can be shared and used to enhance wildlife management.

The use of GPS transmitters on female Broad-shelled Turtles is the latest development for this Living Murray Program project. It is hoped that this new technique will lead to a greater understanding of the turtles nesting requirements and movement patterns which in turn will lead to better management of the species.

We would like to thank all involved in this project for their tireless efforts and in particular Paul Evans for his contributions to the production of this film. YouTube Link (3:34)! [exit notice]


Disclaimer: Resource accomplishments provided by the tribe are for informational purposes only. It does not imply endorsement of any kind by the U.S. Government.

Last updated: August 9, 2012
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